Witcombe Festival Cancels 2024 Edition

Witcombe Festival has announced the cancellation of its 2024 edition, citing slow ticket sales as the reason. Attempts to create a festival with smaller capacity were scuppered by licensing conditions. A statement on the event website, which we hope leaves the door open for a swift return, reads:

“It is with great disappointment that we announce the cancellation of Witcombe Festival 2024. Today, we were supposed to get the keys to the fields from the farmer and begin building the festival for a celebration of music, dancing, and togetherness on the August Bank Holiday. Unfortunately, the ongoing cost of living crisis has significantly impacted our ticket sales and overall planning.

This year, according to the Association of Independent Festivals, 53 festivals have had to cancel. Despite our best efforts and creativity, including plans to reduce capacity and the size of the festival site, these have not been possible due to strict licensing conditions. We have always prided ourselves on delivering an unforgettable experience for our festival-goers, and we believe that cancelling the event is the most responsible course of action to ensure we can return stronger in the future

We are incredibly grateful for the support and understanding of our community, artists, and partners during these challenging times. We are committed to returning with an even more spectacular event, and we look forward to celebrating with you all once the situation stabilises.”

Refunds are being handled by TicketSellers.