Kendal Calling Beats First Day Sales Record

Kendal Calling '24 closes in spectacular style. Pic: Nat Argent

Following on from its 2024 sell-out and the announcement that ticket prices are held for 2025, Kendal Calling broke its first-day sales record in just 2 hours, going on to sell 50% of next year’s 20th edition celebrations.

Co-founder Andy Smith said “Each year, on the morning we go back on sale, we wake up with nervous flutters about how the day is going to unfold. Last weekend was the best show yet, but we’re only human and have the same anxieties anyone else would have. We needn’t have worried – you turned out this morning in record numbers, keen as we are to get back in those fields. This is something we will never ever take for granted and we are so excited to be working to make next year’s 20th birthday jollification the best festival we can possibly produce.”