Stamp Out Spiking Adds NightCap as Partner

NightCap, a leading US-based company specialising in drink safety and protection, is proud to announce their partnership with Stamp Out Spiking, the UK registered charity dedicated to combating spiking worldwide.

15% of women and 7% of men have been a victim to drink spiking in their lifetime, figures that are believed to be low due to under-reporting.  NightCap and Stamp Out Spiking are collaborating to drive global awareness to spiking, highlight this indiscriminate, potentially lethal crime and bring perpetrators to justice.

Through this joint partnership, NightCap and Stamp Out Spiking will amplify their educational efforts and impact to help prevent more spiking incidents. To date, Stamp Out Spiking has raised over 80,000 pounds to fund education efforts, training and campaigns on a global scale to further prevent spiking.

NightCap was originally founded after co-Founder Shirah Benarde heard the harrowing stories of spiking from friends who experienced it first-hand while at university. She then founded Nightcap at just 16 years-old with a desire to make a difference in protecting those around her.

“The partnership with Stamp Out Spiking is bringing NightCap’s vision to the global stage to further our mission of preventing spiking,” said Benarde. “What started as a scrunchie and pantyhose prototype in my basement nearly 5 years ago has transformed to over 600,000 drink protectors sold across 40 countries to help protect millions of people against drink spiking. We’re thrilled to partner with Stamp Out Spiking to collaborate on legislation, fundraising efforts to continue educating people on the dangers of spiking, how to stay safe and more on a global level.”

Stamp Out Spiking, founded by Dawn Dines, is a Registered Charity recognised globally as the lead organisation in the field established to tackle the increasing incidents of spiking across the UK and worldwide. The two organisations are joining forces to amplify the message that spiking can happen, anywhere, to anyone, at any time.

Dines told us: “We are delighted that NightCap are our International Members, ensuring that our key safeguarding information is shared across the pond. We’re in awe of NightCap’s innovative efforts to protect against spiking, and hope that joining forces will protect more individuals against this cowardly crime.”

This joint approach will also benefit from the development of Stamp Our Spiking’s accredited training for security staff, venue managers and companies to meet US social trends, complying with relevant laws, policies and procedures within this environment.