SGP to Herald New Era With Symbolic Stage Burn

Pic: Matt Higgs

Off the back of the international festival crisis, this year will mark the end of Secret Garden Party as we know it. The brand sets out to revolutionise the festival model. With a focus on collaboration, Secret Garden Party highlights the need for independents to work together to rebuild and restore the scene. With an alarming number of venues closing and festivals dropping this year, their aim will be to invite other events and promoters for a unified growth.

Fred Fellowes SGP Founder said: ‘In today’s world it’s no longer sustainable for independents to run festivals. Creativity is being strangled by corporate greed. In 2025, we’re offering our SGP site to all those festivals that have had to cancel or for stages and collectives that have lost their ‘home’. Let’s work together, we have the space and drive to make sure not all is lost for those independents that drive our scene forward.’

Saturday night is set to be the pinnacle for the weekend, including the drone show ‘Creativity Unchained’ and ‘That’s ‘Showbiz’, Baby’ spectacle. Together bringing a focussed message to inspire, protect and preserve creative expression from the corporate takeover and corruption faced in the music industry. This will culminate in a symbolic ‘Burning Of The Main Stage’ which is a call for urgent change; from the ashes something new will grow from the garden.