UK / IRELAND: d&B has announced that it will host two more of its renowned electroacoustics seminars in London and Dublin this September. The events will take place on Wednesday 7 at the Royal Central School of Speech and Drama in London, and on Wednesday 14 at The Leeson Lounge in Dublin.
With only wait list spaces currently available on the d&b seminar and workshop program in Gloucestershire, these extra sessions are a chance to secure a place at this valued industry event.
For 16 years the seminar has focused on ‘achieving intelligibility’ by better understanding the principles of electroacoustics for sound system design and engineering. Questions will be asked such as: how does sound propagate? and how do sound waves combine? The d&b team – together with partner in Ireland MOSCO – will provide informative, straightforward answers in a lighthearted way, with plenty of practical experiments and demonstrations. The seminar is suitable for all levels of experience; for anyone wanting to know more about how loudspeakers interact with their environment and how that affects what the listener hears.
Both sessions are free to attend and include refreshments, lunch and something for everyone to take away, alongside their new found knowledge. Spaces are limited so it is advised to book as soon as possible. To register or to find out more about the day, times or locations, click here.